Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mary Murphy's Manager Deceived Her !

Mary Murphy's former manager is now accusing her of being a coke-head and a nymphomaniac because she fired him and sued him for allegedly stealing $60,000 from her according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

It has to be noted that Michael Sanchez sued Murphy Monday for commissions and in the lawsuit he alleged a panoply of misdeeds on Murphy's part, including claims that she was wasted on the set of "So You Think You Can Dance," snorted cocaine, slept with a producer and illegally coached contestants.

But sources connected with Murphy reveal that they believe Sanchez is trying to embarrass Murphy on the eve of the show's Thursday premiere because she has sued him for double-dealing her over a show she was in ... "Burn the Floor."

According to the suit, filed in December, Murphy states Sanchez secretly went to producers of the play and told them not to pay Murphy directly, but rather to put the $60,000 in his account and then he would take care of her. Murphy insists Sanchez didn't give her a penny.

Murphy's lawsuit has been put on hold because Sanchez has filed for bankruptcy. She's listed as a creditor.

Sanchez' lawyer revealed that Mary filed her lawsuit right in the midst of negotiating a settlement between the two of them, adding, "Our lawsuit speaks for itself ... We are confident Mary's weak attempt to get out front with a frivolous, error-filled action will have no impact on our fact-based lawsuit."

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